Monday, September 30, 2019

Is Chivalry Dead

Is Chivalry Dead?! What do you think of when you hear the word â€Å"chivalry†? I can’t speak for everyone but I know most of us, when we hear or think about the word â€Å"chivalry,† automatically we picture images of such figures as the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, Prince Charming, Gawain and The Green Knight, castles, and images of heavily armor knights saving princess or the cliche-ic â€Å"damsels in distress†. Though myths and fairytales illustrate this picture of chivalry, this in fact is a result of what the world has come to mean.Originally, the word â€Å"chivalry† had a different meaning. During the middle ages, the individuals who lived during this time use chivalry as a â€Å"code of conduct†. This â€Å"code of conduct† was put in place help the society become better by organizing it. People who lived during the Middle Ages supported the â€Å"code of conduct† because they felt it may h elp control the nation and help it gain more power. With any society, if chaos arises something is put into place for it to be demolished.For example, laws are created to provide a society with some type of order. Therefore, chivalry was created to control a society. â€Å"Chivalry wasn’t only to regulate the disorganization within a society but it also provided individuals at the type of the social ladder to be viewed with high esteem, particularly knight†. In order for a knight to make a name for himself or be recognized as honorable, he had to follow the behavioral code of chivalry.In modern society, one might speculate if chivalry has influence other people from across the globe. Although it pretty safe to say that in our society, chivalry has not fully impact us as a society, neither socially or culturally. Therefore providing truth to the saying that chivalry is dead. In medieval times, power in Europe was dispersed to the people of hierarchy. The people of great nobility, such as the king, had control of people who were viewed as inferior, such as the peasants.The earliest way for the nobles to protect themselves and land is through feudalism. Feudalism is a social system based on a hierarchy which consists of social, political, and economic systems. The purpose of the feudalism system was to give the nobles a chance to have power over lands and people. â€Å"This control would be so successful that it would provide a way for the king to give knights things such as gold or land in exchange for their loyalty and service to the kingdom†. This was the bases for the â€Å"code of conduct. †

Sunday, September 29, 2019

People at Work Essay

There are many styles of management that produces different kinds of results. If not done right, it would either be too much or too little, bringing out effects such as being less creative, however efficient or being more creative but less efficient. Wanting to bring out the best of our employees, innovation in management tends to analyze workforce who are also more adept to technical innovations and easy practical solutions. In a generation with ever changing attitudes who are attuned to the trends of society, it is also a must that old management styles are being updated and innovated. Philips Cooke (2006) described innovation in its simplest form as the transformation of new creative ideas into new goods and services. It is not only focused on products and new technological gadgets, innovation are also most effective when applied to management. With innovative management applied in a company, results can be seen in effectiveness, production, excellence, spirited positioning, and market share. This is why, in management innovation, Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) has now become a very critical factor in the workplace and top management today because more than just smart heads and high IQ people, companies and businesses today takes more than just desks, ledgers, machines and materials to make a business work. More than anything else, businesses need people. People are needed to make a company grow, people who are working together, not necessarily on the same department or in the same building, but people pulling together so that the organization operates efficiently and can continue running the business. But sometimes, people are being funny or uncooperative. They do not pull or group together, and sometimes fail to manage their full share of load. Thus, the question now is, how will we know that our managers possessed the ability of being a leader? Does he know how to properly handle people? Does he know how to develop new ideas and implement it effectively? How will we know in the first place that we have the manager we are looking for, or how can we develop such? Literature Review Globalization had brought out a steep competition for the market of goods and services everyday and it is management innovation that brings forth key factors for company’s future survival. (Cooke. P, 2006) According to Kira Fabrizio (2006), the world is currently entirely driven by technology. Additionally business existence routines are transforming rapidly. All the same, proper innovation management skills will always guarantee future survival of any given organization for a company or a firm cannot operate smoothly if not managed properly. Due to tough competition, companies always aim to satisfy customers by producing quality products and services. Chesbrough (2006), Simcoe. T, (2006) and Allen, & L. D. Evans. (1997) argued that for an innovation to be a success, correct discharge of the creative ideas already born is critical in any organization. As a matter of fact the creativity emanating from an employee and/or from a team of employees forms the basis for innovation. A successful innovation can not be attained by the Production of creative ideas alone but by correct implementation of those creative ideas to bring about new or improved product and/or service within the organization. For creative ideas to be generated there must be a room to try out the ideas emanating from the creative employees. This is usually achieved in a loose and flexible environment. Innovative work does not well with rules used for routine handling of an organization however these rules are supported by theory and practice. The efficiency of day to day within an organization requires stable routine (Sunbo & F. Gallouj, 2000). This is usually achieved in a stable controlled environment. The trick is to have a management that balances the factors that allow creativity while at the same time promoting effective operations of the organization (Utterback, M. 1994). Innovation normally occurs through a management system that allows for combination of many diverse players within any particular organization. (West, J, 2006). The player may include among others managers, supervisors, technicians, employees, and consultants. Research on social networks involved in the development of innovation process points out that successful innovation normally occurs near or at the primary interface of an organization and manufacturer. With these, O’Connor (2006) said that innovation process requires the inputs of all personnel of a particular company that is from the top executives to subordinate staffs. It may also require the expertise of a consultant who is normally outsourced. Existing Management Innovations Innovative approaches are assessed based on its impact upon its profitability. Through implementing strategic management approaches in ones company, the need for customer satisfaction will be met, not only locally but world wide. Currently, there are many innovative approaches to management, which needs top management support to be implemented properly. The new ISO 9000:2000 standards promote the adoption of a process approach when devising, implementing and improving a quality management system (QMS). PCL – Petts Consulting Ltd) This model of a quality management system approach acknowledge the facts that quality results are achieved by producing a company manual, complete with work procedures and work instructions, proper recording and keeping of quality records and tracking of inputs and outputs. The HACCP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points) System is a systematic approach to the identification, assessment of risk and severity, and control of biological, chemical and physical hazards associated with a particular food production process or practice. When speaking of HACCP, it is always associated with food safety. By using and by being certified with this system, the customers of the company are always assured of the safe processing of food. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. (Baker, 2006) It is the balance between the companies performance in terms of products and services to satisfy its market, on how the company manage ,treats and train its workers, on how the company shows its concern to its environment and on how it shows concern to the surrounding community. Low Morale due to Ineffective Management These are few of management innovations that are putting a company ahead of others. Today, companies encountered dilemmas such that too much management which ceased to innovate, thus, bringing out to little or no impact or improvements to a company at all. The problem here is that, businesses need more efficient people, have an environment to let innovative people flourish, however, it wont be effective if management does not have the skills and abilities to develop new ideas effectively. Thus, the question now is, how will we know that our managers possessed the ability of being a leader? Does he know how to properly handle people? Does he know how to develop new ideas and implement it effectively? How will we know in the first place that we have the manager we are looking for, or how can we develop such? The management should be flexible enough to absorb the views of all stakeholders. Management is not always willing to accept new ideas. Most managers always want to remain in a comfortable zone. Too much management, which is commonly found in large organization, should understand innovative people. Modern executives’ definition of efficiency is operating business which can supply their customers with better products or services at lowered cost. Modern executives are forever asking questions which is more concerned in productivity and efficiency rather than employees self regard and self esteem. â€Å"How are we doing? †, â€Å"Is production going up? †, â€Å"Sales up? †, â€Å"Costs going down? † are just few of executives questions about efficiency clearly showing the classic ways of hierarchal management systems. This results to low self-esteem which has a very strong relationship with morale. The loss of self-confidence or a feeling of discouragement may also be caused by frustration, which in turn causes mental efficiency and creativity to be lowered. This situation was experienced by Oracle. Ashby and Miles (2002) cited Oracle who was facing crisis in June 1992. Its culture â€Å"win at any cost, the end always justify the means† caused low morale and its effects on day-to-day operations was out of control since employees no longer pay attention to rules either internally or with customers. Applying EQ for Effective Management Innovations Change of management structure especially for large businesses to accommodate innovation is very critical for an organization to remain competitive (Tidd, J et al 1997). The management system in place should be flexible enough to create room for creative ideas. The management should easily adapt to changes brought about by trends in technologies and human issues. The organization needs to be loose and flexible enough to allow room for creative new ideas. A tight management system hinders creativity. Management should also motivate employees by rewarding not only success but also failure. This is because you cannot produce good ideas without bad ones (Maguire, 1994). Further for innovation to be successful there is a need for key personnel who are primarily concerned with the development of new product or services. The complexity of the procedures and levels involved in the production of a new product can impact negatively on the success of an innovation. (Fabrizio. K, 2006) For the success of an innovation the key is to delegate a few personnel on that activity, as too many people are less innovative compared to a few people. The virtuous circle can also impact negatively on the development of an innovation. It follows the following steps such as organization reputation for innovation, attraction of creative people, organizational need for creativity and innovation, development of innovation product, willingness within the organization to accept new ideas, motivation of people within organization to reduce frustration, high morale and protection of creative people (Henry et al: 1991). This means that if one the above listed steps is missed then innovation would not be established. So if we ask, why is there a need to apply Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in management innovations? This is because Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is now more important and useful especially in businesses. It tends to analyze and identify why people do what they do, think as they do and think as they do; with their abilities, motives, disappointments, ambitions, queer streaks. The successful business person is almost always efficiency minded through and through whether he is the boss or not. He keeps a close eye on the efficiency, and the personal efficiency of those working with him. According to Herrera (2006) IQ is quickly losing ground to EQ when it comes to predicting success. Moreover, supervisors and executives are generally rated on still more EQ qualities such as winning cooperation, handling people, suitable use of language and accepting suggestions and criticisms. This proves that the higher the position you can attain the higher EQ qualities, tests and evaluation that you have passed. An employee with more promotional possibilities shows high EQ for higher executives take on more social responsibilities at each step on the way up. According to Bradberry, T. & Greaves, J. (2005a), 16 hours of work can make a person feel 465 emotions in a day with (2005b) 90% top performers tested to have high EQ and only 20% high EQ individuals being rated as low performers. Rather than IQ, companies and corporations now opt for high EQ individuals to work for them. This is because, high EQ employees are more productive, and have great job performance and good leaders. High EQ employees and leaders are worker-centered which had higher producing work groups. And as we all know, companies aims for high productions at low cost and less turnovers. Conclusion Management systems have a significant effect on the innovation process. A tight management system normally hinders creativity because it does not allow employees to express and generate innovative ideas. All the same for small organizations suppressed management approaches can increase abilities to innovate through less formal management structures facilitating rapid decision-making, which is facilitated by having to communicate the changes to members of the organization. For innovation process to be a success there should be a â€Å"slack† element in the management Structure. To balance between effective running of an organization and creativity the management should know what is best for routine work and what is best for innovative work. And with this, management innovation and creativity is best improved by applying EQ tools. Today, EQ ratings are almost always taken with high importance in a company. During a company’s periodic reviews of individual efficiency, the boss, supervisor or head of the company watch work ways and attitudes of employees. According to Laird and Laird (1979) employees are rated according to desirable qualities or social characteristics such as cooperation, communication and appearance. This shows that individual efficiency is not based on high IQ but rather based on the qualities of high EQ. Production is also influenced by the friendly interaction of members of a work group. An employee’s level of EQ is tied in with friendliness because it shapes its interaction of people towards each other. High EQ of employees encourage warm and friendly atmosphere in the work place. On the other hand, employees with low EQ will be cold and aloof towards its co-workers. This will hinder the productivity of a worker with low EQ and increase the rate of absenteeism, thus, absenteeism is an outcome of an employee with low EQ. With this, managers will think that unnecessary absence from work shows irresponsibility. The human emotions shape the interactions of people to each other. With the types of people in one company, considering warm or friendly and cold or aloof, those employees with high EQ will stand out and be more productive than the others.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Philosophy - Assignment Example Nevertheless, we can assume philosophy to be a consistent and rational effort to acquire knowledge  about topics that do not warrant empirical investigation (Brown Web). This paper discuses some of these philosophical topics and questions. Traditionally, rationalism and empiricism have been the normal ways that philosophy attempts to answer the question, â€Å"what do I know?†, â€Å"how do I know it?†, and "How do I get beyond mere opinion to real knowledge?" However, both rationalism and empiricism theories manifest different strengths and weaknesses in trying to explain human knowledge. The two theories differ on the extent to which we are dependent upon sense experience in our effort to gain knowledge. Indeed, while rationalism proposes that we gain knowledge through reasoning, empiricism on the other hand proposes that we gain knowledge through sensory experience (Markie Web). However, according to me, I find that rationalism best explains human knowledge. This is because the rationalism relevantly puts forward two concrete explanations to their theory. First, the argument that that there are instances where the content of human knowledge supersedes the information that sense experience can provide is very true. Indeed, human knowledge is not all about sense, it is about reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and rational insight. Actually, from the intuition  claim, rationalism equally reckons that we should not just believe what we see but we should also be able to derive conclusions through valid arguments (Markie Web). Indeed, in many cases we use the self-evident truth to derive more truths. This explains that we can have knowledge independent of sense experience. The rationalists’ theory also constructs accounts of how reason in some form or other provides that additional information about the world. More so, the rationalism theory is flexible in that it adjusts its understanding of certain beliefs and adopts the denial of

Friday, September 27, 2019

Parenting Model Metaphor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Parenting Model Metaphor - Assignment Example Thin can be compared to parenting-styles change with generations, but the basics stay the same. Jeans could also be the metaphor for the parental role-two legs joined that must function as one garment. I will look through some important concepts that affect parenting (these are concepts that have been introduced in the course work in unit two) and further link them to the metaphor of a pair of jeans. Parents often look to their neighbours, family and collective environment for advice and role-models on how to parent. A group of people assisting the parents in bringing up a child or children is termed collective parenting. This is a bit like mothers and fathers choosing the style of jeans that suits them. They look to see what others are wearing and what is suitable for their age group and body type. The most important thing is choosing a comfortable pair-just like choosing a parenting style that is comfortable for the parent. It’s hard to sustain something if it doesn’t ‘sit right’. (Chapter 12). Because so many people move to different parts of the world in today’s world, parents are cut off from their families who might have, in the past, offered support and advice. It’s like adapting to a new pair of jeans in a style or cut that you are not used to and finding a new style and support structure for changing times. A parents’ coho rts will often feel comfortable with a similar style of parenting just as they might all prefer a similar style of jeans-they can also look back and laugh at the stonewashed pairs they pulled on in the eighties (a reflection of their youth and freedom) and compare them to the more utilitarian and classic pair they wear now: which reflects their changed value system. As people become parents they might become a bit more conservative and not as fashion conscious. It’s also

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Anne Moody's Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay

Anne Moody's Coming of Age in Mississippi - Essay Example . This presents her struggles against sexism and racism among the whites in collaboration with her fellow activists in the civil rights movements. This article will explain how the grassroots, local civil rights movements differed from the mainstream movement. This paper will also include a comparative analysis of those involved, how they got involved, their organizational goals and their relation with the whites. This book consists of four main parts that mainly talk about Moody’s childhood, her high school education, autobiography and the pressure group. According to the first section of the book, Anne Moody explains how they were grounded into poverty as a family. At some point, she even worked as a domestic worker for some white families where she received an extremely low wage. Later on, her father abandoned them, rooting them to more problems mainly lingering on how she was to fend for her fellow siblings (Moody, 1992). In the second section, Moody focuses on her high school education period. She explains how a black 14 year old boy was lynched for whistling to a white woman. This clearly points out the racial codes that were present in Mississippi at that period. When Moody wanted to get more information about the murder of the boy she was totally shunned away from any information by the people she inquired. She even went forward to ask her mother the meaning of NACCP that stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, but, her mother warned her never to of such things in the vicinity of the whites. Finally, she discovered an adult who would be of assistance in helping her answer the questions she had in mind. Mrs. Rice stood out as her only hope in finding such information. She played a significant role in the maturity of Moody especially when she enhanced her with more knowledge concerning race relation in the Mississippi region (Moody, 1992). Later on, in the third sectio n of the book Moody shows interest in political activism. Sources prove that Moody once organized a boycott of the cafeteria in the campus after a student found a maggot in one of the grit plates. Furthermore, she even joined the NAACP. To prove that Mississippi was quite racist, Moody explains an incident whereby she was with her friend named Rose. Rose went to the â€Å"Whites Only† section at the bus depot where suddenly the whites were genuinely shocked, and a mob had even surrounded them ready to assault them. However, just before the scenario was to take place, a black minister who was around rushed to their rescue (Moody, 1992). In the final section of the book, Moody now gets involved with civil rights movements in Mississippi. Moody narrates of her involvement in a sit-in at the renowned Woolworth’s lunch counter. She was in the company of her fellow civil right members. Afterwards, while still in the store, a group of white students from a neighboring high sc hool bulged into the store and jeered at them. They were smeared with sugar, pies, ketchup and lots of other materials that were at the counter of the store for almost three hours (Moody, 1992). Lucky enough, the president of the college (Dr. Beittel) heard about the condition and quickly rushed to their safety. When he was there, he was truly shocked to notice that a group of over eighty police officers who were standing outside the store had just been watching the scenario without taking action against the mob (Moody, 1992). This incident further revealed to Moody how the racial lines had been drawn between the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Illegal Involvement with Drugs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Illegal Involvement with Drugs - Assignment Example According to Guideline E on personal conduct, if a person is dishonest or unwilling to comply with the regulations, this would be an indicator that such a person may not properly safeguard classified information (US government Publishing Office 1). In this case, Smith is dishonest about his travel to Russia and Italy. For instance, he gave contradicting dates about his travel to Russia. In addition, he failed to state that he had traveled to Italy giving an excuse that he was young. Moreover, he was unable to explain the reason why he was concealing information about his other social security number. This is an indication that he is a dishonest person who cannot be entrusted with highly classified information. In the second case, Kidwell should be given a temporary eligibility according to part 147 of the guidelines. This is because an intensive investigation needs to be conducted in order to know whether having two closely related social security numbers was a strategy to make malicious dealings (US government Publishing Office 1). However, the fact that she has come out and declared that this issue existed without concealing and being compelled is an aspect that indicates that she is an honest person. Temporal access would give time to authority to investigate about all credit information provided in the form and through the interview. The defense security service acts as an administrator of the National Security Industrial Program. In addition, it controls and influences foreign ownership. Furthermore, it supports the National Industrial security on issues related to personnel security clearances.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Passing by Nella Larsen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Passing by Nella Larsen - Essay Example The selection and the portrayal of the thematic issues in the novel just as is the case with many other types of literature relies on the selection of the literary elements as the below analysis of Passing portrays. Key among the literary elements is the use of first person narration in the novel. A voice is always essential in a novel since the author adopts a particular voice in conveying his or her message through the plot. In the Passing, the author adopts the first person narration technique. The author narrates the story through the experiences of the lead character, Irene Redfield. Living in the Harlem area of New York, Irene Redfield is a mixed race woman who strives to integrate in the racial discriminate American society at the time. The story in the novel thus recounts he life and experiences of Irene Redfield and her numerous white and African American friends as they face numerous challenges. The action in the novel opens up with Irene receiving a letter from her long lost friend, Clare Kendry. The letter reminds her of their times together and the experiences they had in the city. The author of the novel therefore stylistically transfers her audience back into the history of the characters through a literary device known as flash back. Irene remembers her relationship with Clare the two women are both of mixed ancestry. They therefore underwent similar treatments by the society. Their passionate friendship broke soon after Clare’s father died since she went to live with her aunt in a different state. The separation implied that the two would grow up differently (Wall 101). As such, they became two different women a feature in the novel that validates the tension that Irene experiences once she receives the letter. The flashback is a strategic literary device that the author employs deliberately with the view of providing an adequate platform for comparison. Just as the name suggests and the plot of the novel portrays,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Final exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 11

Final exam - Essay Example Therefore, the company can use the Miller Act as a legal entry point (Cihon, Patrick and Castagnera 110). Mr. Johnny should be aware that the Miller Act primarily minimizes the difficulties that subcontractors encounter in claiming payments from the prime contractors. Furthermore, the Contract Disputes Act waivers government indebtedness only to lawsuits involving contracts to which government is part, not subcontractors. The Johnny Johns flooring company has the option of seeking payment under the Miller Act and section 8(d) or the Small Business Protection Act. It is also worthwhile that the Prompt Payment Act provides immunity to subcontractor’s payments on government contracts. The Act obliges the federal agencies to include a clause in the contract that imposes the prime contractor to remit payments to the subcontractors for â€Å"satisfactory† performance in the contract within seven days of their receiving payments from the contract owner. In the event, that the flooring company fails to verify the provision of the commitment clause, they have no legal provision to sue the government or the contractor under the Prompt Payment Act. Intellectual property rights are creations including inventions, literary and arts, designs, symbols as well as images used in commerce. The Property rights are regulated to enable the owners obtain recognition and financial benefits from their creations. The rights balance between the interest of the innovators and that of the wider public to ensure an environment in which innovation flourishes. Under the United States Copyright law, the designer of any file retains the ownership of the property rights, but the client acquires the ownership of the end product. In this case, United States Air Force is the customer and the ITI Inc. the designer . Therefore, the United States Air Force owns the new command and control system developed by ITI Inc. However, the Corporation retains ownership of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Background of Benjamin Franklin Essay Example for Free

Background of Benjamin Franklin Essay â€Å"The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin† was thought by himself to be â€Å"the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection†. It refers to when he was in his twenties, around 1726, he found himself jobless; penniless; in debt and suddenly a single father. He was very intelligent and he knew there was definitely something wrong in his life and he was eager to make a change. So he wrote this autobiography not only to tell his son about his life but also to improve his financial situation and to provide a model for self-improvement for anyone interested. In order to achieve his goal, Franklin developed and committed himself to a personal improvement program that consisted of thirteen virtues. Actually, Franklin found twelve virtues out of thirteen in the reading (124). And another one was from the suggestion of his friend (133). Franklin made a list of thirteen virtues as follow: silence; order; resolution; frugality; industry; sincerity ; justice; moderation; cleanliness; tranquility; chastity and humility (125-126). The first eight virtues relate to people’s attitudes towards their daily activities and their challenges, which belongs to personal virtues . The last five virtues that Franklin stated concern one’s attitudes toward people with whom one has to be dealings, which fall into social virtues. Franklin set forth the thirteen virtues in a very practical and rational way. Simultaneously, he gave reasons for the order of these virtues (126). He put temperance at the top of the list, while humility came last. If a person can conquer temperance, such a primal urge for food or drink, he can keep a cool and clean mind to do something more important, thus making self-development in other virtues. Overall, his rational arrangement for the virtues makes each prior virtue help Franklin acquire each following virtue. In order to acquire these thirteen virtues, Franklin charted his daily progress, focusing his attention on one virtue each week, so after thirteen weeks he had completed all the virtues (127-128). Keeping track of his successes and failures in a small book, he kept it with him at all times for many years. Every night before going to bed, he would reflect and evaluate himself on what he had acquired and what he had failed. His goal was to minimize faults in his life, thus indicating he was moving toward living a more virtuous life free of mistakes. Although Franklin tried to follow the virtues himself, he sometimes strayed from his good intentions. The most troublesome virtue he met with was order (130-132). It was partly because Franklins good memory made order not as necessary. When he was young he remembered whenever he left anything. As he grew older, his memory became poorer and poorer, which caused him problems with order. Partly because he was a business man to be interrupted from the public frequently so that he could not focus on something as it was expected. Another troublesome virtue Franklin confronted with was humility (133). Virtually, Franklin was born to be proud, but he had to pretend to be humble in public so that he could establish a good social status. Though Franklin admitted in his autobiography that he often fell short, he believed the process helped make him a better man and contributed to his success and happiness (131-132). For example, temperance contributed to his long life and good health. As for persisting in Industry and Frugality, he accumulated a lot of wealth and gained a large scope of knowledge to do scientific research. All those virtues together had shaped Franklin’s very pleasant personality. Furthermore, the autobiography indicates Franklin was very intelligent. Initially, he could list out these virtues in the reading (124) and the method of virtues was very rational for people to follow(127). In all his life, Franklin had followed his plan of virtues and become a person full of virtuousness. He also set a good model for the descendants to follow and expressed his good will for them (132). As for the autobiography itself, I completely agree with his consents â€Å"the bold and arduous project.† It means that it was not easy for people to follow. But Franklin himself had proved to be very successful in many fields by following his plan of thirteen virtues. Franklin was also a very responsible person because he educated and raised his son on his own. He was passionate about science, that’s why he had made great contribution to our society, making a lot of inventions: lighting rod, Franklin’s stove and odometer, so on and so forth. The autobiography can be of great use to others. If only we descendants can follow his virtues, we can make great self-improvement in our own fields and in moral standards. I have been reckoning how Franklin made his own name? When he was twenty-two years old, he was strikingly impoverished and a single father. But by the age of forty-two, Franklin had achieved all his goals, which were not acquired by accident, but by his strong faith in his virtues. For more than twenty years, six days a week with dirty hands, Franklin had been doing the routine work in the printing house. Every night he constantly made self-criticism on what he had achieved and what he should have to acquire. If only I can follow some of Franklin’s thirteen virtues, I am definitely making great progress in my study overseas and in my future teaching career. Take the virtue order for example, it sounds so minor that we can easily neglect in our daily life, actually, searching for items for class every day is always time-consuming. If I can arrange everything in its place, I would study more efficiently and achieve much higher grades. Of course, the thirteen virtues are a good guide for me to follow. In fact, keeping track of how well I do in maintaining the virtues and having positive character traits, as Franklin did, is worth trying.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Example for Free

The Yellow Wallpaper Essay â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a short story that was written by American author Charlotte Perkins Gilman and was published in 1892. The story is narrated through the journal entries of a woman who is confined to her bedroom in order to cure her â€Å"slight hysterical tendency.† Although this treatment was well intended by her physician husband, due to her isolation and lack of mental stimulation the woman’s mental state steadily deteriorates until the end of the story when she goes completely insane. In order to better understand this story it is helpful to analyze it through the lenses of the seven schools of literary criticism which include, formalist, biographical, historical, reader-response, deconstructionist, psychological, and gender criticisms. From a formalist perspective, one of the most important things to note about this short story is how it is composed from the entries in the narrator’s secret journal, which she keeps hidden from her husband. The result of this diary-like construction makes the story seem almost autobiographical even though the narrator is a fictional character. Because of this, everything is relayed in a very personal way and gives an in depth view of the narrator and her feelings. The reader gets very little information about other characters and there is an intense focus on the narrator and the inner workings of her mind as her mental state steadily declines. While formalists argue that there is one true meaning that can be derived from the formal qualities of the text, deconstructionists argue that as time passes, the meanings of words change and thus the meaning of the text also changes. One word whose meaning has changed since the writing of this piece is â€Å"nervous.† The author seems to use this word as meaning an affliction or illness. Back in the nineteenth century, the word nervous seems most frequently attributed to women as if it is an unavoidable characteristic of the female nature. Today these same connotations do not exist and therefore a deconstructionist would argue that the meaning of this text has changed. In contrast with the deconstructionist style of criticism, which focuses on the text, biographical criticism focuses on the author of the piece and their experiences and motivations in order to understand a work of literature. The motivations behind the â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† become strikingly clear when the author’s background is revealed. Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote this piece in 1892, shortly after her own similar bout of mental illness. In her explanation of why she wrote â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† she explains that after being prescribed the rest cure, she â€Å"came so near the borderline of utter mental ruin that [she] could see over.† She also explains that much of her reason for writing this short story was to try to save people from the fate she narrowly escaped and the same fate that the narrator of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† ultimately fell victim to. Similar to the biographical method of criticism, gender criticism also focuses on the author’s background, specifically the aspects relating to his or her gender. The fact that Charlotte Perkins Gilman lived in the 19th century has a lot of impact on her writing. She lived in a time when society was primarily male dominated and women had few rights. Her experience with mental illness was also strongly affected by her gender. Similar to the narrator’s experiences, a male doctor prescribed Gilman the rest treatment, which ended up doing more harm than good. This was a time when women were stereotyped as fragile, weak, nervous, silly, and were generally not taken seriously. Doctors did not understand postpartum depression during this time period and believed that it was a â€Å"temporary nervous depression† or â€Å"a slight hysterical tendency† which they thought were simply characteristics of the female nature. The historical method of criticism focuses on the historical context of the story. As the previous paragraph discusses, this short story was written in the 19th century when postpartum depression was not understood and women had few rights. This is the historical backdrop of Gilman’s life and writing of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.† Gilman wrote this story at a time when the â€Å"rest cure† was a real medical treatment that was being applied to countless women, most of whom suffered from it. When this piece was first published many of Gilman’s contemporaries were shocked. One physician wrote that â€Å"such a story ought not to be written, it was enough to drive anyone mad to read it.† Similar to biographical and gender criticism, the psychological school of criticism focuses on the author, but also looks at the readers and the characters of the story. This method of criticism looks into psychology to unearth the meaning in the story. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† would be full of interest for psychological critics. Both the narrator and the writer suffered from severe postpartum depression, which in the case of the narrator, progressed into full-blown madness. The last of the schools of criticism is the reader-response criticism, which studies the readers because without the reader, a text has no meaning. Many modern readers, for example, probably feel sympathy for this narrator because they have a better understanding of the disease that she was suffering from. Readers who were alive when â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was first published would have probably had a much different reaction to this story. From Gilman’s piece on why she wrote the story, it is clear that her story did was not well received by many people due to its shocking and disturbing nature. I think that by far the most important school of literary criticism for interpreting â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† would be the biographical method of criticism. So much of the short story was influenced by Gilman’s own experiences with the rest cure and mental illness that it is almost essential to know about her background in order to understand this piece. Historical criticism and gender criticism are also very important but I think the biographical method encapsulates all of them because when trying to understand the author one must inevitably factor in the influences of their gender and the time in which they lived and wrote.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Strategic analysis of Marks and Spencer

Strategic analysis of Marks and Spencer Marks Spencer is one the UKs leading retailers, having 600 stores in home country and more than 200 stores across the globe. Michael Marks started the penny bazaar stall at Leeds in 1884. After Michael Marks Simon Marks became a chairman of MS in 1926 to 1964. MS is well known for its quality and styles (Hawkesby, 2008). MS Analysis Value for money:- In 1884 when Michael Mark started a business, he did not have a good command on English language so he had a sign on his stall: Dont ask the price- Its just a penny. In 2009 MS chairman Sir Stuart Rose launched three days return of penny bazaar. During these three days 20 selected items were sold at 1p at 300 MS branches (Sibbles Carter, 2009). The main point is can that slogan work in todays competitive market? It cannot work in todays market. MS is one of the UKs largest retailers. It sells various items in its stores. The cost of production of these goods is not same so they cannot sell their goods on same price like Michael Marks was selling in 1884. Even if they diversify the profit earn from the other good to the other goods, which will not help them to achieve break even sales. For example profit on milk cannot set up the loss on selling of bread. Now a day all rivals of MS are trying to achieve lowest production cost. All are trying to put more value for money for their prod uct by obtaining maximum benefit with the less use of resources. Value for money does not mean reduce spending but it can be achieved in diverse ways with: Reduce cost Reduce inputs Get more improvement in product quality Increase output with less input of raw material Marks Spencer is to position itself as a value for money brand, and admits it has too expensive. Prices will come down as it encourages suppliers to source more products abroad. In todays tough competition MS is trying to put more and more value of money in their products. To reduce cost of goods, they suggest their supplier to import goods form the other countries. They have improved their inventories and logistics. Resources and core competences: Physical resources: Each organisation has same resources as its competitors have but the way it manages use their resources differentiate from others. For example MS is having the same store sites in UK as Tesco, Sainsburys and ASDA have. MS is having following physical resources: Value for money product: By the use of appropriate resources MS has got the good value for its products. Today they have their own brands which are very popular in todays competitive market. They are continuous trying to develop their products that will help them to survive in the retail industry. However most of their suppliers are UK based so they are still facing product cost problems. Own brands products: MS is using their own brand name for each and every product. They have achieved good quality standards. They are the first retail chain which sells their own brands. They do not world famous brands in their stores like Coca-Cola, Nestle, and Cadbury etc. Despite of selling own brands they have maintain their quality standards. However it is quite difficult for some loyal customers of MS to buy other popular brands in MS stores. They have to go to other retailers for purchase other than MS brands. This is quite unrealistic in todays cut throat competition; it results many of MS loyal customers switch over to its rivals such as Tesco and Sainsburys. Store sites and store displays: As we know Marks Spencer has established long time ago, they have found that many of their stores are too small. They have planned to expand their store area by converting their stock rooms into floor area. That brings new logistic problem. They have found new solution as a satellite stores. They have started to distribute stocks to small braches from the main branch. However they have long range of food products it is very difficult to manage these perishable food items without stockrooms. Core competences: Core competences mean some factors which differentiate a product or a brand from others. As we know Marks Spencer has long range of products produced under its brand name. The quality of product is better than the other brands. They always try to provide more value of money to its customer. Strategic vision and organisation culture:- Increases the markets share in UK with own product and with own unbeatable quality standards is the main vision of Marks Spencer. It had much more autocratic organisation structure. However it has been changed with the time change. Now the organisation structure has been transfer to flatter organisation structure. The member of staff can take quick decisions when its required and it provides more accountability (The times). SWOT of Marks Spencer:- Strengths: MS is using its own brand name with the wide product range. St Michel brand is very popular, used for cloths and food product. It has competitive prices advantages, it has increase overseas important. It has expanded its business not only in UK but all over the world. With their own brand name they booked pre tax profit of  £1bn in 1988 (Hawkesby, 2008). It has very favourable location on high street which attracts more and more customers. It has some particular group of loyal customers. MS has strong work force and skilled staff. New changes by new chief executive Roger Holmes brings new opportunities in retail business. Tighter staffing level increase operational funds. Weakness:- In todays cut throat competition, MS is struggling with the high cost of production. Its focusing on particular class of society which narrows the scope of number of customers. Weak logistic reduce the availability of goods and products. Reduce the number of staff results poor customer service. Depends on local supplier results high cost of production. Tough competition in food market such as Tesco, Sainsburys and Asda enter in fast and frozen food market. In 2008 its over all sales were 6.2% down and even though inflation in grocery products its food sales were down by 4.5% (Finch, 2008). Opportunity:- MS can diversify their business like other retailers have done e.g. Tesco mobile, Tesco finance, Sainsbury finance etc. With diversification Marks Spencer can expand their area of business and they can transfer the profit earn by different sectors. MS can increase the number of products with its famous brand name St. Michel. MS can go for the franchisee to increase their number of customers and it will help them to increase the share of in market. Threats:- MS has started to sell other brands in their stores which may reduce the popularity of their own brands. If MS will try to diversify their business it may creates shortage of funds. MS has closed down many of their stores due to raise the funds which may cause the negative effect on their share prices. Due to closing down some stores, it will lose market share. PESTEL of Marks Spencer :- Political:- Marks Spencer has been operated in more than 40 countries. It is highly influenced by the political changes in these countries, e.g. if the government of UK changes immigration law than it may be affect MS migrant staff. Now a day the governments inspires retailers to offer mix job of flexible, lower paid and locally based jobs to highly skilled, higher paid and centrally located jobs (Balchin, 1994). Economical:- UK economy is developed economy, per capita income is more than the other developing countries. It is favourable factor for MS. however the cost of production is also high in UK that is unfavourable factor. It reduces the margin of profit of the company. Social:- The population of UK is growing slow and the number of working women is increasing it boost sales of MS food products. UK is the fashion hub that means there is a great opportunity of branded and stylist clothes. Technological:- Online shopping is taking place of store chopping which can reduce the investment cost in new stores. Self-checkout tills are available to reduce queue time. Environmental:- Now a day more and more retail stores are using recycled bags and packing materials which cost is very less and they are getting cost benefit from. The environmental laws are also very strict in UK. Legal: UKs labour law is very strict rather than other countries. It strictly follows human right laws in which employees can be protected from the employer. Question 2- MS before 1990 Success of MS strategy:- Simon Marks put MS on the new level of growth. During his leadership many strategic changes has been made such as diversification. They have product rages not only in food products but also in clothing, groceries etc. He introduced todays popular St. Michael brand name. It differed the MS from its competitors. The expansion program had been taken placed which expand store area. However with this expansion several problems occurred like logistic problem. They were expanding their business at international level. Porter 5 forces:- Threat of new entrants:- The UK food market is dominated by very less competitors like Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys and Marks Spencer. Out of these companies Tesco is having monopoly in UK retail industry. The entry barriers in food industry are very tough in UK because of health and safety law. However in clothing industry, there are so many competitors in UK like NEXT, River Island etc. MS are the only one who does food and branded clothing together. Bargaining power of suppliers:- It should be noted that MS is relying on very few UK based suppliers which increases suppliers bargaining power which results high cost of products for MS. therefore MS is planning to source products from abroad at cheaper rate. Asda is having huge bargaining power with its supplier because it imports goods form overseas. Bargaining power of customers:- In UK food and clothing industry the customers are having nice bargaining power. In UK customers believes in bulk shopping. If they find some products very cheaper in one store they will but other products from same store. MS is having monopoly in its food quality and its clothes are very fashionable and trendy clothes which are customers favourite. Other super markets are expanding their business in banking, pharmacies etc. e.g. Tesco finance and Tesco mobile. That will increase customers bargaining power. Threat of substitutes:- Today competition is very tough in both food and cloth markets. MS is having its own St. Michael brand for cloths, in fashion industry fashion cannot sustain it changes when time changes. MS is having threat from its competitors in cloth industry. MS have to change their designs according to current fashion demand. Rivalry:- Rivalry increases if the number of firms increases. In UK there are very few super market chains existing. They all compete for the market share, the rapid food industry growth increases rivalry. On the other side food is a perishable good which increases the rivalry. MS, Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys all are trying their best to sell food products. On the other side in cloth marker MS have to face both super market competition and individual brands competition. Question 3- MS After 1990 Weak Strategy:- Despite of serving good quality of product, MS is losing its market share in retail industry. They have taken its eye off from the customers, it means they believe that if your image and reputation is good that means you satisfied your customers. On the other side its rivals Tesco and Asda increase the relationship with the customers. MS was much more relying in its suppliers to maintain good quality standards which results high cost of goods sold. MS is suffering from high cost of goods so it is very difficult to sustain its market share and it also increases the competition. MS was suffering from old fashioned clothes. It was popular for trendy cloths but now the time has been changed and customers needs highly fashionable clothes. Two new strategic approaches:- Stuart Rose the new chief executive of Marks Spencer has implied many changes after he joined MS. The former CEO Holmes has put 400 other brand products in MS to increase both sells and customers interest. However Stuart Rose is planning to cut the number of outside product to 100 which is not a wise decision (BBC, 2010). He is planning to refocus on MS brands but it should be noted that today there so many different brands are used by different customers. If he plans to imply this idea, MS may be lost his more market share in retail industry. His changes for cloth products are appreciable and it will raise the sales of cloths of MS. He should also think about unrelated diversification e.g. he can start MS mobile or in related diversification he can increase the number of food products. Conclusion:- As part of huge retail industry MS has to make some thorough changes in its strategy. It should have to sell other brand. This will help it to gain sustainability in this competitive market. It is very popular for its clothes and its food quality standards. These will help it to increase number of loyal customers. More and more products sourced from overseas will help it to compete in the price. Word Count: 2251

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Understanding Vs. Knowing in Atwood’s Oryx and Crake Essay -- Literary

It is often simpler to settle for an understanding of the world and people around us instead of trying to know the truth. Truth has consequences; by knowing too much, one can lose a friend, learn a deadly secret, or become someone they do not want to be. To express his understanding of himself and the world around him, Crake in Oryx and Crake uses quote-bearing fridge magnets. One very important quote is â€Å"We understand more than we know†. It is important to recognize the difference between the terms "understand" and "know"; the Oxford English Dictionary defines "to understand" as to perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of, whereas "to know" is to be absolutely certain or sure about something. There is certainly a difference, as understanding suggests ideas, and knowledge suggests facts. Prior to the Crake's devastation of the human race in Oryx and Crake, characters understand more than they know in their awareness of human nature. However, the only survivors of this catastrophe are those who, inversely, know more than they understand. This means that Crake, Oryx, and Jimmy have an astute understanding of the world around them, but only later do Snowman and the Crakers show the importance of knowledge in surviving as a species. Crake believes he knows the problems with humankind, and that he also has the solutions. He views humanity as destructive, inefficient, and unsatisfied, and uses his understanding of these flaws to destroy the human race. His scientific background leads him to very accurately understand the biological and psychological characteristics of the human mind and body, of humanity as a whole, but also specifically of his friend Jimmy. Crake understands physical attraction and sex from a strictly ... a newfound capacity to know more than they understand, suggesting the success of humans as a species may rely on never reaching (or never reaching for) a full understanding. Perhaps we should be accepting simply knowing as principle. Works Cited Atwood, Margaret. Oryx and Crake. 1st ed. New York, New York/United States: First Anchor Books, 2004. 374. Print. Davis, Roger. ""a white illusion of a man": Snowman, Survival, and Speculation in Margaret Atwood's "Oryx and Crake"." Hosting the Monster. Ed. Holly Lynn Baumgarter. 1st ed. New York, New York/United States: Rodopi, 2008. 260. Web. 28 May 2012. DiMarco, Danette. "Paradice Lost, Paradise Regained: Homo Faber and the Makings of a New Beginning in Oryx and Crake." Papers on Language & Literature 41 (2005): n.pag. Web. 27 May 2012. Reizner, Chelsea. "Fridge Magnets." (2007): Web. Mar. 2012.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Paradise Lost :: essays research papers fc

John Milton was born in Bread Street, Cheapside, London, on the 9th of December 1608. The first sixteen years of Milton’s life, coinciding with the last sixteen of the reign of James I. His father, a prosperous business man, was known ass a man of great taste, and was interested in the music of London at the time. Music was thus a part of the poet’s life since birth. His father forced him to get an education in all scholarly areas. He was taught by Puritan clergymen who gave Milton his extreme ideas about God. At the age of eighteen he was excepted as a student of Christ’s College, Cambridge, and in less than two months moved up to University. He attended the prestigious Cambridge University four seven years where he learned Latin and studied many books on religion. After schooling, he traveled all over Italy [this is also the time of the Italian Renaissance] and learned much about theology, philosophy, and literature. He lived in the rich culture of Rome for al most ten years. After returning to England, he began writing and publishing stories in local papers. He wrote many controversial things about the government and God and was put on trial for Heresy upon all counts. His punishment was exile and his eyes were removed so he could Phillips 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   no longer write. To the surprise of high officials he wrote the epic Paradise Lost: A poem in ten books. It sold millions of copies, and is still considered the greatest piece of English literature ever written.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the 8th of November 1674 Milton died at the age of 66, due to gout-fever. He was buried the next Thursday beside his father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As stated in the first book of Paradise Lost, Milton’s intentions for writing his religious epic are to â€Å"assert Eternal Providence/And justify the ways of God to men† (Book I, ll. 25-26). Milton’s audience, of course, is a fallen audience like the narrator of the epic, Therefore, because the audience is innately flawed there is a danger that we may not read the text as it is intended to be read. Some may think Satan is the hero of the epic. Others may be inclined to blame God for allowing the fall to occur. However, both of these readings are shortsighted and are not what Milton explicitly intended. Therefore, to prevent these deviant readings Milton has deftly interwoven a theme of personal responsibility for one’s actions throughout the epic.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marketing Concepts Essay

Therefore the customer wins and so does nokia, as nokia once again are satisfying the need of support their customers request andIn Conclusion, Marketing isn’t just a posh name for selling; in fact selling is part of the marketing component. It is the process of communicating; selling is the delivery of a product to the potential customer, converting them into actual customers. Whilst it can be assumed that marketing is a posh name for selling, the difference that separates both areas is evident through simple definition and actual process. In order to sell, the consumer must want, need and afford the product, therefore without the process of research, development and catering to the consumers needs, (Marketing) – Selling would not be as profitable. An organisation that fails to provide marketing will allow itself to be a business that is hoping to simply sell its products by having it available, assuming the consumers will purchase its product. Whereas an organisation that adapts the marketing concept, caters for the consumer’s wants, needs, price range, customer service, through the research of its objective and the development of these objectives, along with achieving the business goals of the calculated profit it ‘Intends’ to make prior sale. Using the example of Nokia, it is clearly evident that an organisation can only obtain worldwide success through the power of marketing. Should Nokia simply release products to a store without communicating with its consumers, the organisation would be no better off than a market stall that is ‘attempting’ to Sell its products. Instead, Nokia markets its brands and as a result has successfully pre sold its brand with complete knowledge of its consumers wants and needs. For example Nokia markets and provides products for its Personal and Business consumers where as an organisation selling phones, would simply have a range ‘for sale’. Finally, marketing is the process of identifying a need and communicating a message relating to satisfaction of the need through a product to its customer. The marketing process informs the market of who you are and what you do, whilst the sales process begins when a formal offer for services has been made, and concludes when the offer is accepted or rejected. In Conclusion, Marketing isn’t just a posh name for selling; in fact selling is part of the marketing component. An organisation can improve its marketing activities through implementing the marketing concept as this will:* Develop key competencies of knowledge, experience, commitment and communications* Develop strategies through overcoming areas of weakness or threats by competitors through understanding the needs/wants of their customers* Maintain the organisations vision, focus is crucial for the development of objectives and the achievement of these objectives* Allows an organisation to Define, Develop and Deliver Customer Value which in turn will create greater customer loyalty leading to profit creation

Monday, September 16, 2019

This Room And Love After Love Comparison

Imtiaz Dharker's ‘This Room' is written to create an impression of seeking ‘freedom', where her room is ‘breaking out' and seeking ‘space, light and empty air'. In this poem dharker describes the room as going wild, with everything in it trying to escape to ‘freedom'. On the other hand, Derek Walcott's poem of ‘Love After Love' is telling us how to love our selves after ending a relationship or better how to love yourself before loving another. Walcott uses words such as elation and smile to show that his poem is all about learning, accepting and celebrating who you are. Dharker personifies the bed as ‘lifting out of its nightmares'. This shows that all negativity is being left behind, as chairs move out their usual ‘dark corners'. Alliteration and metaphors are also used to create an image and convey a sense of freedom as the chairs ‘crash through clouds'. In love after love, Walcott shows that learning to love yourself will not come immediately, but ‘the time will come'. He emphasizes that there is joy involved, as he says that it will be with ‘elation' as you ‘greet yourself' as you look at yourself in the mirror. The first stanza ends with the idea that you will smile at your self. Dharker's stanza three of ‘this room' goes on to carry the theme of celebration of the fact that life can be unpredictable. A description of the sounds and movements of the kitchen equipment that ‘bang together in celebration, clang' and eventually ‘fly' past the fan, they look to be following the chairs and bed upwards. The onomatopoeia also enhances the sound effects of the poem. In love after love, Walcott says ‘again the stranger who was yourself', conveys the idea that the person you use to be is like a stranger now. Walcott also uses religious diction, where he uses short imperative sentences, ‘give wine, give bread'. The religious words give a formal and caring tone to the poem. In ‘This Room', ‘no one is looking for the door' at the end of stanza three; this could either mean no one wants to leave this place because there is now a sense of celebration there or it could mean that, no one wants to use the easy way out, they want to have the feeling of expanding and growing, moving skywards and forward in life. ‘Love after love' is a poem that represents the internal thoughts of the writer. Walcott uses the phrase ‘peel your own images from the mirror'; here Walcott emphasizes that you're past, ‘all your life, whom you ignored' has value and helps for you to realise the importance of being comfortable and happy with who you are, accepting who you are. In ‘This Room', the 1st person is not used until the fourth stanza, ‘I'm wondering where I've left my feet'. Again emphasizing the point that that the atmosphere was exciting. The structure of the poem is not straightforward it is written in free verse although; Dharker uses enjambment to connect the fourth and fifth stanza witch is one line which emphasizes the ‘space' and ‘freedom'. ‘My hands are outside clapping', once again the writer emphasizes the idea of celebration. In love after love, Walcott uses enjambment to link one stanza with the next. In the third stanza he uses the imperative ‘take down the love letters from the book shelf'; the idea leads into the last stanza that continues with the ‘photographs, the desperate notes' which you should also take down. ‘Peel your own images from the mirror' and ‘Feast on your life'. Instead of reminding your self of your previous relationships and pictures of previous partners, Walcott wants us to look at our own life and appreciate who we are. In conclusion both poems have similar themes. The celebration of personal growth and expansion, accepting and being comfortable with who you are, are the key themes of the poems. Freedom is the most important thing and we should make the most of it in our lives. Both poems stress that the past should be left behind for example ‘lifting out of its nightmares' and ‘take down the love letters from the book shelf'. ‘This Room' is a metaphor for life' and ‘Love After Love' is about appreciating life. We should grow and think forwards.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

College Entrance Essay Essay

Over the past few years I have increasingly become confident that a career in psychology is the right path for me. I am by nature a very caring, helping person, a good listener and someone who enjoys being able to connect with others. My friends and family see me as the kind of person they can go to when they need to talk about their problems, and they know that I am someone that they can trust. To me, there is nothing more fulfilling than the feeling of reaching out and connecting with an individual, and being able to offer them support. Both my parents were clinical psychologists, and undoubtedly this influenced my desire to become a psychologist. They exposed me at an early age to psychological ideas and the practice of psychotherapy. I could see the passion they brought to their profession, and the satisfaction they experienced by helping others. I believe also that my mother’s death when I was ten helped influence my interest in psychology. My mother’s death was a traumatic event for me and my family, and when she passed away I had to help emotionally support my younger brothers. Our subsequent participation in family therapy showed me how important it is to talk about feelings and problems, and how families can heal and move on from even the most traumatic experiences. In order to make a career of my interest, I will need both undergraduate and graduate training in psychology. If I should choose to open up a practice, I will need business training as well. My choice of college is based on finding a strong psychology program and an environment where I can feel like I can make a personal connection with my professors and my peers. In addition to having a strong psychology department, I am looking for a college or university in New England with a small faculty/student ratio. I want to feel like I can personally connect with my professors and peers, and not be just a number in large classes. Castleton State College meets all of these requirements. To me, Castleton State seems to be more then just an  institute of learning, it’s a place where the students are able to experience new ideas and encounter new challenges that will later help them learn critical skills needed to be successful in a diverse and interdependent world. In addition to a good education, I feel that Castleton State is a place that will allow me to grow intellectually, socially, and spiritually. The health field, and mental health in particular, is becoming increasingly challenging and competitive. After my bachelor’s degree, I plan to pursue either my master’s degree or my doctorate in psychology, and I know that I will need strong undergraduate training to be effective at the graduate level. I believe that Castleton State College will provide me with the training and perspective on myself and my career that I will need to be successful and to pursue my dream.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Development and Diversity Essay

When a child is conceived they begin to develop in the mother whom and continue to develop until adulthood. Today we look at these developments and find new ways to teach children that all develop at different rates. Throughout history child development was ignored and little attention was paid to the advantages in their early abilities such as language usage, and physical growth that occurs during childhood and adolescence. Throughout the years there has been many people have come up with theories that support the growth of the development of children. I will talk about one of these theories here. B. F. Skinner, who carried out experimental work mainly in comparative psychology from the 1930s to the 1950s, but remained behaviorism’s best known theorist and exponent virtually until his death in 1990, developed a distinct kind of behaviorist philosophy, which came to be called radical behaviorism. He also claimed to have found a new version of psychological science, which he called behavior analysis or the experimental analysis of behavior (Richard Culatta) The behaviorist theory is a worldview that operates on a principle of â€Å"stimulus-response. All behavior caused by external stimuli all behavior can be explained without the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness. Originators and important contributors of this theory are John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Skinner. The behaviorist theory is based off of positive and negative feedback to students in a classroom. It is a way to train the students in learning the correct way so they can keep moving onto the level of their education. An example can be a mouse in a cage that is really thirsty. Well the mouse will do and try anything to get out of that cage to get something to drink but when it finds the feeding bottle and see that all it has to do is push the little tab on the end to get some water the mouse is satisfied. The same go for students and children. Children will fight tooth and nail to try and get out of anything that they do not like but if they see a reward at the end they will stay with it to get the reward. This keeps them focused and controlled at the same time. There are three main contributors to this theory John B.  Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Skinner. These three have all contributed to this theory in one way or another. John B. Watson conducted research on animals, children, and advertising to further the theory. Ivan Pavlov conducted research on temperament of children, conditioning and involuntary reflex actions. Finally B. F. Skinner invented his own philosophy called radical behaviorism. All of these men have helped to improve on the theory to help us understand children’s learn and development better so we can teach them in better ways. Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten† (B. F. Skinner) The theory of behaviorism can be used in a classroom setting in many ways. It is the way that it is used that will determine if it works for the teacher and the student or hurts the teacher and the student. Giving children goals at an early age to accomplish tasks in the classroom can be a really good thing. Children always want a reward for the things they do. They are taught that at a very early age with their parents when doing thing like picking up their rooms and getting a reward for that at home. Well that carries into the classroom setting also. To reward students is giving them very positive feedback on their work many teachers use the star system. A large chart on the wall with all the student’s names and stars for the good work they have done. This gives students a little push to do their best because they want those stars so they can be proud or even get a reward for the most stars. This is a great idea in most cases but teachers need to be careful with this also because it can backfire on them. If you have a student that is a slower learner and does not receive stars like the others this can hurt that student and their learning. Yes there has be negative feedback with positive feedback but if all the child gets is negative feedback it can lead to them just giving up and we do not want that. So we have to walk a fine line when it comes to using different techniques in the classroom. All students are different and learn different so we have to work around that so all of our students receive the same education as the other. You can use activities in your classroom that go along with behaviorism and that will benefit your students in many ways. For example take ten sentences that go along with your lesson plan. Say you are teaching about animals in your class this week you can make up ten sentences and leave one word out of each sentence. Then you would list the missing words out of order and have the children fill in the blanks with the words that are off to the side. You can give rewards for their work to stimulate them in doing their best by giving a sticker for each one they get correct. This is a good way to do it because you have a really good chance of getting at least one sticker and all are happy but most of the kids will do well because they are going to try for more than just one. There are many different theories in education that can help a teacher in the classroom. These all work to give the student a better learning experience. It is the way you use them that will determine if they work or not for you and your students. With behaviorism you need to give positive and negative feedback to your student it is that you have to walk a fine line so you do not discourage your students from learning but make them want to be the best student they can be.

Friday, September 13, 2019

4th Nine Weeks Test #1 Flashcards Example for Free

4th Nine Weeks Test #1 What is the background/purpose for Paul Revere’s ride? -Purpose: Inform people about a historical event, and tell them why it’s important now -Background: Paul Revere rode through a bunch of Massachusetts cities to tell people that the British were coming to invade them. Describe the plot line for â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride†, Exposition -Exposition: This story takes place during the deep night of April 18, 1775. It is in different places in Massachusetts such as the Charlestown shore, Medford, Lexington, and Concord. It’s about Paul Revere and his friend, who lived in the early American colonies. Describe the plot line for â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride†, Rising Action -Rising Action: He talked to his friend in the evening about how ready the would be if the British came. Just as the moon rose, a British ship, The Somerset, appeared over the bay. The friend heard the ship. He ran to the Old North Church and hung up 2 lanterns, because the British came by sea. Paul Revere saw that his friend had hung up the lanterns, so he took off fearlessly to warn people. Paul Revere warned different cities (Medford/midnight, Lexington/one am, Concord/2 am Describe the plot line for â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride†, Climax -Climax: The narrator described that even though the British came in strong, the farmers fought back hard. The farmers won and the British retreated. Describe the plot line for â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride†, Falling Action -Falling Action: The narrator summarizes everything that happened Describe the plot line for â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride†, Denoument -Denoument: The narrator, as well as summarizes everything that happened, says that the history of this event is very important to our nation. We will always remember what Paul Revere did. Describe the setting of â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride†. Night of April 18, 1775 in Massachusetts Describe the characters of â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride†. Paul Revere, his friend, people of Charlestown, Medford, Lexington, Concord Contrast between the peaceful night and the violence of the approaching revolution. â€Å"Paul Revere’s Ride† Peaceful night for the farmers until Paul Revere came in and described that there would be a lot of violence coming-the British were looking to conquer and kill. What is the impact on the reader of the the narrative poem focus in on one person, Paul Revere, instead of a group of people who actually completed the night’s task? If it weren’t for Paul Revere, the people who completed the task wouldn’t have even known that the British were coming. He was one of the key parts of keeping America alive. What are the basics of Abraham Lincoln’s historical impact and assassination? Good president, but was beaten down a lot. Was with the North in the Civil War, and was against slavery. Was shot at the Ford Theatre, died the next day. Why were there so many details in the literature read about Abraham Lincoln? (assassination story) It was important to the whole story. It was vital to understanding all that happened and making sense of it all. Describe how there was a foreshadowing of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. Abraham Lincoln had a dream about it Describe how the tone and effectiveness of â€Å"Oh Captain! My Captain!† by Walt Whitman would make somebody like it more. It was a poem, and it wasn’t as gory as the other story. It rhymed, and it helped me to understand a lot of what happened from the people’s perspective. Many American citizens had a connection with President Lincoln, and they were devastated when he died. He was leading the country in the right direction. Describe the extended metaphor in â€Å"Oh Captain! My Captain!†. They treated President Lincoln like the captain of the ship, and he was lying on the deck of the ship dead. What was Walt Whitman’s purpose for writing the poem, â€Å"Oh Captain! My Captain!† It gave a real sense of what it was like to lose the president. We read about it in different stories, but it’s different to see it from this perspective. What was something significant happening in the country during Mark Twain’s life? What was the event that set off Mark Twain’s job hunt and adventures? Describe Mark Twain’s personality/writing style. He’s a humorous writer, and a little quirky in a sense. He’s very philosophical, and tries to come up with morals for his stories. Why is Mark Twain let go from his jobs mentioned prior to his 2nd attempt at mining in his personal narrative? He never put any thought into them. Why did Mark Twain walk away from writing for good? He died. He never â€Å"walked away from writing†, except for two short times while writing Huckleberry Finn. What is a fable, and what is it’s purpose? Characters being animals that have personalities and traits like humans, has a moral lesson, generally written for children Mocking political figures, exaggeration to bring about change, points out flaws in a person, society, or idea. Gives inanimate objects human traits What is Twain suggesting about art critics through the words and actions of his animal characters? He’s suggesting that everybody is entitled to their own opinions. Art critics criticize paintings that other people think are beautiful. â€Å"You know something that I don’t know†, in a drama setting, specific irony happens, and it’s normally where the viewer knows what’s going to happen because it’s set up that way, and the people in the movie don’t. What was the significance of the cat’s description of a mirror in Mark Twain’s fable? The significance was that it showed the reader that maybe the cat didn’t know as much as he thought he knew. Each animal is eager to test the mirror after hearing about other’s experiences in Mark Twain’s fable. What does this reveal about human nature? Everybody wants to be right and prove the other wrong. What is the moral of Mark Twain’s fable? You can find in a text whatever you bring, if you will stand between it and the mirror of your imagination. You may not see your ears, but they will be there. realism and mark twain A Presidential Candidate Mark Twain Mark Twain "Advice to Little Girls" and "Invalid's Story" Mark Twain Gilded Age Notable People and famous quotes Samuel Clemens - Mark Twain Vocab Quiz - Mark Twain, Story of an Hour, Poems, and Wagner Matinee english// mark twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Chapters 4-7 Mark Twain Biography company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints We will write a custom sample essay on 4th Nine Weeks Test #1 specifically

Development of Business Information Systems in Snappy Happy Catering Essay

Development of Business Information Systems in Snappy Happy Catering Ltd - Essay Example This essay states that in today’s highly competitive world where knowledge is power, the information system has become a major functional area of an organization together with finance, operations, marketing and human resources management. The information system is a major source of information and support needed to promote effective decision-making of managers. It is a major contributor to operational efficiency, employee productivity, morale, customer service and satisfaction. It is a vital ingredient in developing competitive products and services that creates a strategic advantage to the organization. In today’s networked world, an information system is a key component of resources, infrastructure and capabilities. In summary, it can be concluded that the information system has become a strategic tool to grow the business, to compete in the market and improve their position in the industry. Snappy Happy Catering Ltd, that was analyzed in the essay explores their poss ibilities with supply chain management system and a human resource information system in order to improve operational efficiency and to meet their business objectives. It is also conclued that in order to identify the suitable information systems for the Snappy Happy Catering Ltd company, the management team must organize several meetings aimed at selection of the systems. Typically, every round table discussions must have an agenda based on the steps, that were provided and be attended by all department heads. ... In today's highly competitive world where knowledge is power, information system has become a major functional area of an organisation together with finance, operations, marketing and human resources management. Information system is a major source of information and support needed to promote effective decision-making of managers. It is a major contributor to operational efficiency, employee productivity, morale, customer service and satisfaction. It is a vital ingredient in developing competitive products and services that creates a strategic advantage to the organisation. In today's networked world, information system is a key component of resources, infrastructure and capabilities. In summary, IS has become a strategic tool to grow the business; to compete in the market; and improve their position in the industry. (Iansiti & Favaloro, 2006) Task 2 Snappy Happy Catering Ltd Snappy Happy Catering Ltd may explore a supply chain management system and a human resource information system in order to improve operational efficiency and to meet their business objectives. In order to identify the suitable information systems for the company, the management team must organize several meetings aimed at selection of the systems. Typically, every round table discussions must have an agenda based on the steps provided and be attended by all department heads. There are three steps in the selection and management process. First step involves planning, identifying and justifying IS. Information systems are enablers of business processes, their planning must be aligned with the overall business plan of the organisation and the specific decisions or tasks they support. It must be justified through cost-benefit

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Is there evidence that Withania somnifera is effective in tumor Dissertation

Is there evidence that Withania somnifera is effective in tumor suppression - Dissertation Example At present, plant products have already been used as a standard chemotherapeutic agent. For example, vinblastine (from periwinkle (Catharanthus)) and paclitaxel (from Yew tree (genus Taxus)) are already a part of chemotherapeutic options used against cancer (Choudhary et al., 2010). Because a high number of individuals still suffer from cancer, the search is still ongoing for the compound, both natural and synthetic, that can hopefully decrease the cancer-caused mortality rate considerably. Withania somnifera, commonly called as Ashwagandha, is a member of Solanaceae family, together with Nicotiana (tobacco), Solanum (potato), and Capsicum (pepper). In herbal medicine, W. somnifera has already been used against various health conditions. In Pakistan, it has been used against respiratory problems (Choudhary et al., 2010). In India, it has been recognized as an aphrodisiac and invigorating medicine (Choudhary et al., 2010). The plant is also used against intestinal ulcers, rectal bleed ing and irritable bowel (Pawar et al., 2011). Several withanolides isolated from Ashwagandha were also found to possess anti-glycation, possibly against diabetes, and anti-pyretic effects (Choudhary et al., 2010). ... EVIDENCE OF TUMOR SUPPRESSION ACTIVITY OF Withania somniferous In this literature review, four journal articles, ranging from 2003 to 2011, were looked into. Most of the methods used by these studies are in vitro, and only one using in vivo, although in an experimental model (rats). Google scholar was used as a search engine, with the results limited to 2000 to 2011. The search terms used were â€Å"Withania somnifera cancer†. Later in this paper, the quality of the research would be assessed mostly based on the methods used in the purification and activity assays. Activity of crude methanolic extract against NCI-H460 Compounds from the leaves and stems of W. somnifera were tested for its anti-proliferative activity against human lung cancer cell line NCI-H460 in vitro. In this study by Choudhary et al. (2010), tested for growth inhibitory and cytotoxic activities were the (1) crude methanolic extract of W. somnifera, (2-4) three isolates, and the positive control (5) doxorubi cin. The isolates were obtained using silica gel chromatography. They were then characterized using mass spectrometry and NMR. One of the three compounds were identified as withaferin A, while the other two were found to be its chlorinated steroidal lactone and epoxide derivatives, respectively. In testing their activity, GI50, or the concentration causing 50% growth inhibition of NCI-H460 cells, and LC50, or the concentration causing the death of 50% of the same cancer cell line, were measured for all the five test substances. The obtained data were compared using one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s multiple range test (p < 0.05) using SPSS 17 program. Finally, the report also mentioned the presence of other studies that confirm the growth inhibitory activity of withaferin A against other

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Personal Plan Marketing Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Plan Marketing - Personal Statement Example Having been a student leader through high school ad my college life, I have developed greater interest in pursuing political career in the future with no less an ambition than being a president after retiring from my professional career. The high self-esteem that people often point of me has been and continues to be my strength and this nurtures my high aspirations. Being honest, hardworking and maintaining high level of integrity are main virtues that are so true in defining myself, and these, I attribute to my loving mum and my teachers, who have taught me throughout my upbringing. Nevertheless, one would almost get a perception of a very serious guy in me but surprise would be to learn that I am one of the lightest persons you can ever meet. Life has taught me to take every opportunity that comes my way; in joy and in sorrow and make best of it. This therefore has trained me to be very sociable and at the same time very serious when it comes to matters that require such. Religion is also part of my life and I always spare my time for serving God amidst my tight schedules as my religious background has taught me. Having been born 23 years ago in the countryside, I must count myself to have experienced the taste of two centuries; the 20th and 21stcentury, which are differentiated by quality of living and sense of importance. My childhood, much of which was experienced through the late years of 20th century, had nothing at all to celebrate due to much suffering in hunger, poor living standards and poor economic status back in the village. However, life has turned a bit for the better as it continues to experience the good of the transition in century through education which has enabled me fetch some income from periodic employments and hence I am continually transforming the living of my family and myself. I must therefore appreciate my background for continually shaping me for who I am now. I have developed great zeal in hard

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Case Study Example 5). However, in the process, because of emissions and increased waste production, the lives of residents become uncomfortable to some extent and sometimes the long term effects can be devastating. Other problems that are often associated with world events like football are racism, discrimination and violence (Wyludda, 2009, p. 5). The idea of creating a temporary but enormous event requires a lot of power consumption, consumption of unnecessary resources, and production of large wastes. This can just be termed as â€Å"inherently unsustainable† (Jones, 2011, p. iii). Many events undergo long planning before implementation. Currently, events are held in socially, economically and environmentally changing and turbulent environments. This calls for planning as a critical role for which in the recent planning, sustainability has taken the center stage. The concept of environmental engagement has not been left behind as well (Raj, 2009, p. 140). Event managers ought to be flexible in their planning since events vary and each needs a well formulated framework to assist achieve key principles that can be applied to all. It is the responsibility of those who organize such events to maintain social and environmental sustainability. If event organizers ensure sustainability in their planning, then the eventual results would be impressive (Jones, 2011, p. v). The world football governing body has an event known as the FIFA world cup. It is the biggest sporting competition in the world. For this reason, its impact to the society and environment is enormous. Hosting such an event demands critical consideration of all features to ensure that there is unprejudiced approach and sustainability. The FIFA World Cup â€Å"provides a platform to advertise the issue of sustainability in events† (Debra, Peter and Geoff, 2010, p. 189). With such an understanding, FIFA and the organizing committee took the responsibility of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Short answer test Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Short answer test - Essay Example You have carefully chosen channel members to help get your product into the hands of customers. What kind of "value† would you want them to add to your marketing efforts and your customers? I would want them to create customer loyalty and retention. Each customer that walks away from the product is customer equity that goes missing. This will need to be done by tailoring products to meet customer needs. The communication process consists of the sender of the advertisement, the content of the advertisement, and the customer who receives the advertisement. Sometimes, feedback can also be considered part of the communication process because it helps to resolve weaknesses. The five tools are advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing. Advertising is used to reach customers through a medium of exchange. Personal selling is direct communication between an advertiser and a customer. Sales promotions add value to a product by offering incentives to purchase it. Public relations have to do with supporting causes that will make a firm look good. Direct marketing is about connecting with a customer in order to get a response. 5. One of the uses of public relations can be used for explaining problems your company is having with product shortages, executive embarrassment, product recalls, etc. How can you use Public Relations Pro-actively? Public relations campaigns are very easy to organize and are also very cheap to run. It helps to take the focus of problems that may be occurring in the business and focuses consumers’ attention on something that does not concern business operations. 6. Your Sunscreen sales are slow. You decide to add B2B sales representatives to your marketing efforts to convince retailers to buy and stock your product. Explain the kind of value you want them to add to your marketing efforts. The best type of value that can be added is to properly explain the products and its uses. This will

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Market Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Market Plan - Assignment Example Clearly these figures when taken in context with the vast market available for fresh growing and fresh cut herb are indicative of the fact that the market is far from saturation and can be exploited by utilize a clear and concise marketing strategy which combines the individual companies which import their herbs with the cost saving potential of exposing those companies to fresh grown and fresh cut herbs within our region. Within Europe alone, there are thousands of hectares that are strongly committed to the production of organic herbs. This is usually done collaboratively with marketing collectives as well as a co-op of processing plants. Within the UK alone there are only a few hundreds of these arrangements. Additionally, there are very few productions in place. The statistics indicate that there is a burgeoning market for individual companies which produce both fresh growing and fresh cut herbs. In within the UK there were nine hundred and thirty-five (935) stores selling fresh cut herbs and eight hundred and eighty-one stores selling fresh grown herbs during the time period of 1 November 2004 and 31 October 2005. These figures represent a total sale of 22,532,730 units annually, total revenue of 14,343,372, 4,433,970 customers served annually and a customer penetration of 26.05%. In the demographic region of East of England, there were only eighty-seven (87) stores selling fresh cut and fresh gr owing herbs combined. These stores sell 2,521,410 units with a total of 1,643,243 being generated from their sale. The customer penetration within this area is a mere 22.58%. Clearly the market for herbal products exists and there is a dire need for production systems as much of the production is done externally and the products are imported. Additionally, there has been a growth in the number of consumers who rely on medicinal herbs as well as herbs utilized for body care and hygienic needs. This has prompted an increase in the number of organic farmers and growers. Even in light of this, the market remains very far from saturation. As a commercial organic herb production company, Canfield Farm Fresh Herbs Ltd is in a unique position of being one of the very few companies to utilize horticultural advances as a means of establishing a brand that surpasses much of the industry standards. Organic Herbal Market Sectors Currently there are six distinctive sectors within the organic herbal market. These sectors include culinary, cosmetics and body care, health care/medicinal, veterinary, transplant and seed. The culinary sector includes pot grown and fresh cut herbs utilized by restaurants, food processing enterprises as well as hotels. The cosmetics and body care industry represents one of the fastest growing segments of the organic herbal market. In this sector herbs are sold as dry leaves or roots, essential oils, creams, lotions, bath oil and the like. Within the health care/medicinal sector, herbs are predominantly utilized in the form of dried leaves, fruits, roots, flowers and seeds. They are utilized by traditional herbalists as well as other consumers as an alternative to non-organic medicinal treatment. The veterinary segment represents a very small but potentially lucrative segment. The organic herbs within this segment